Friday 26th July 2019
Photos by Keith Belcher
Friday saw the long awaited first visit to TLR of the Grammy Award-winning bluesman and we weren’t disappointed! As well as his famed guitar skills, he’s blessed with a rich, deep big baritone voice that matches his 6 foot 5 inch frame.

California born, but Louisiana resident, he doesn’t believe in being pigeonholed into any arbitrary genre trap, and as well as some fine blues, we got power rock, punk, ska and even straight up honky tonk country. Alvin goes wherever his musical sense takes him and the audience were more than pleased to go with him! The only thing lacking on the night was any merchandise, denying the audience a chance to buy a CD, which we’re sure they would have done, judging by their reaction to the show

It was a powerhouse performance by any standard, from a man at the top of his game. He was ably supported by Italians, Fabio Drusin on bass and Silvano Bassi on drums.