The best all round roots music club in West Yorkshire
Tag: Folk Music
May 28 2024
The Paperboys
Friday 24th May 2024
Photos by Nigel Plant, review by Mike Latham
I think that sums up last night’s performance neatly. Here was a band who had just endured a long trek north and yet they were able to conjure up such a magnificent show.
From the opening song they had the audience captured and the connection between those two groups within the room encouraged them to give a stellar performance. In the information sent out about the band previously, it was highlighted that the opening number was the only one agreed upon. The room was then read to determine the direction of travel and what a journey we were taken on. Stirring tunes, songs of light and shade and a true session of roots music through folk, Latin, a touch of reggae and the syncopated sounds of New Orleans. What more could an audience ask for?
We didn’t see them on their original appearance but we know they, like many performers we have been introduced to at The Live Room, are ones that we will look forward to seeing once again.
Many thanks to Hilary and Ron for another splendid evening.
May 28 2024
Katherine Priddy
plus support George Boomsma
Thursday 16th May 2024
Photos Richard Leach, videos by Cloddyclips, review Mike Latham
The support slot from George Boomsma set the scene for another great show. Both sets, the one from George and the main event from Katherine treated us to amazing voices and wonderful musicianship.
George used voice and guitar, not to forget the whistling, to show us another outstanding young musician. It all sounded so simple but his words and playing showed a maturity that was a pleasure to watch.
I only know Katherine from her first album but her performance also confirmed the maturity of a lot of young musicians who are travelling round sharing their art with ever increasing audiences.
Though there were only three musicians on stage (Harry Fausing Smith on violin, mandolin and vocals, joining Katherine and George) the sound they created was subtle, entrancing and a joy to listen to. Again, we witnessed a wonderful combination of voices which meshed together to create a gentle sound which drew the listener in to wonderful observations on life and relationships.
Long may we continue to witness these wonderful events that promoters like Ron and Hilary create for our delectation in the small venues that exist throughout this land.
Videos by Cloddyclips
George Boomsma: Lily of the Nile
Katherine Priddy: Letters From A Travelling Man
Katherine Priddy: First House On The Left
May 28 2024
The Hackles
Sunday 12th May 2024
Photos, video & review by Keith Belcher
Sunday 12th May 2024. The Live Room, Saltaire. The first visit of The Hackles. The Hackles are Kati Claborn (vocals, guitar, banjo, clarinet), Luke Ydstie (vocals, guitar, and Halli Anderson (vocals, violin, guitar).
All the way from Oregon they graced the Live Room Stage with a stunning display of three part harmonies and magical arrangements that interweaved effortlessly and blissfully.
Their acapella version of Michael Hurley’s ‘Werewolf’ was without a doubt one of the most beautiful songs I have heard at The Live Room (or anywhere else). I suspect that many in the audience, like me, were holding their breath spellbound. An acceptable crowd for their debut at TLR but next time around I suspect they will be sold out well in advance. Catch them if you can.
videos by keith belcher
Werewolf (Michael Hurley)
Don't Let Me Go By
May 2 2024
Sons of Town Hall
Friday 26th April 2024
Photos by Ron Pengelly
We were treated to a fantistic evening with this amazing duo on Friday 26th April. Both George Ulysses Brown (Ben Parker from England) and Josiah Chester Jones (David Berkeley from the USA) possess beautiful voices and together, their harmonies are exquisite. Add in brilliant songwriting, playing and a huge dollop of humour, and you have one of the great live acts on the folk and roots circuit. The sold out crowd were treated to wonderful show and we know that they’ll be sailing back this way on their home made raft before too long.
Apr 27 2024
Sunday 21st April 2024
Review, photos and video by Keith Belcher
The last night of their UK tour but the first visit to Saltaire for Dallahan AND a sold out show. A band raised in the Scots/Irish traditional music scene but taking on many aspects of world music as well.What did the Live Room audience think of the band? No review coming from me but below are comments made by members of The Live Room’s Whatsapp group shortly after the show.
“A rousing performance from Dallahan this evening. It certainly went down well with the audience.”
“They were nothing short of sensational. One of my favourite shows. Amazing musicianship and arrangements.”
“A wonderful evening”
“Fantastic show last night, brilliant instrumentalists with amazing faculty all at the service of the music. What a privilege to be able to sit so close and watch them with a pint in my hand.”
Love the comment: ” ‘We know you’ve all got work in the morning’. Ha ha , think they’re used to playing to younger audiences. Anyhoo , what a superb band. Thanks for putting them on Ron and Hilary, absolute gem of a band.”
“… we were amazed by Dallahan last night. A new name to us but what a revelation. Without hearing them before one would expect the normal mix of Irish and Scottish tunes. Not so , just as the tunes were going in the normal cycle we were suddenly blasted in another direction. As Ron said , Jazz, other European and American styles would suddenly take over and the skill of the musicianship was amazing. I almost expected sparks to fly from the banjo in that opening number…”
“Thanks for some more great music”
OK , I think the audience quite liked the show. I overheard comments to Ron from several people already talking about show of the year and we’re still in April!
videos by keith belcher
Dutch Courage
Apr 23 2024
Maya de Vitry
Friday 19th April 2024
Review, photos and video by Keith Belcher
The third visit of songstress Maya de Vitry to The Live Room, Saltaire. The 2 previous visits in February 2014 and October 2016 were as a member of The Stray Birds. This time, having left The Stray Birds in 2018, she was touring with guitarist and singer Joel Timmons. Great song writing from both, delivered with superb musicianship, stories and the wonderful voice of Maya.
videos by keith belcher
Go Tell A Bird and The Odds Of Getting Even
Apr 2 2024
Martin Simpson 2024
Sunday 24th March 2024
Photos, videos, review by Keith Belcher
Another sold out show. This time the great Martin Simpson entertained the Saltaire (and further afield) audience. The vast majority of the songs tonight were from Martin’s forthcoming double CD/album SKYDANCERS.
Not officially on sale until April 12th. There were a few copies available but not many as they have been a resounding success at gigs. The early birds (or purchasers) got the CD. In deference to Andy Muscroft‘s superb monochrome artwork for the album/CD more shots than usual are in black and white.
Musicianship, as expected was superb throughout the night. You can always rest assured you will learn something you didn’t know about the songs and music and history at a Martin gig, tonight was no exception with many detailed stories, jam packed with good humour.
Videos by Keith Belcher
The Recruited Collier
Apr 2 2024
Richard Shindell 2024
Friday 15th March 2024
Photos, videos and review by Keith Belcher
The fourth visit of master song-writer and raconteur Richard Shindell. Richard hasn’t toured for many years so we were in a small and select group of venues that he chose to play. As you can see, an all electric show.
A truly wonderful night and we got to hear some new, unrecorded songs and very different arrangements of some old ones. All that and some great humour. Even an unrecorded cover of Leonard Cohen’s Alexandra Lost as an encore. A great night.
Videos by Keith Belcher
Stray Cow Blues
There Goes Mavis
Apr 1 2024
The Breath 2024
Plus support Caoilfhionn Rose
Friday 16th February 2024
Review, photos and videos by Keith Belcher
Opening for The Breath (by direct request of The Breath) was Caoilfhionn Rose (pronounced Keelin) , acompanied by Rich Williams. Born in Manchester with roots in Northern Ireland & Yorkshire. Two Albums released so far, Truly and Awaken. On the night Caoilfhionn sang lead vocals, played keyboards and acoustic guitar. Rich mainly played guitar but was also instrumental in creating a diverse multi layered sonic pallette to accompany Caoilfhionn’s songs.
“The mixture of airbrushed ambient, folk music and gentle psychedelia means that whilst melodies may seem straight forward at first, they are deceptively deep underneath. Not a single song is a straightforward piece”. Caoilfhionn’s short opening set got a great response form the TLR crowd at yet another sold out show.
(Next came) the very welcome return visit of The Breath, first here in November 2021. The Breath are Manchester based Ríoghnach Connolly and Stuart McCallum. Ríoghnach described their show as “our miserable cabaret”. Don’t believe it. It’s anything but miserable, yes the songs are deep, intensely personal, sometimes very sad, dealing with very emotive issues but the experience of seeing and hearing The Breath is anything but miserable!
A one set format tonight as we had already enjoyed Caoilfhionn Rose and Rich Williams. The show opened with Ditty, a gentle guitar and shruti box with Ríoghnach humming, eventually leading into Ríoghnach’s flute. This segued into a far louder and faster strummed guitar intro to Hideout. If a Breath virgin you started to get an idea of the range and power of Ríoghnach’s vocals and Stuart’s dexterity and skill on guitar.
Don’t Rush It followed with some superb reverb usage and a totally different side to Ríoghnach’s vocals on For You. The first real intro of the night belonged to Cliona’s Wave , an adaptation of Celtic Myth about Cliona (Cliodhna) , Celtic Goddess of the sea , member of the Tuatha De Danaan, daughter (legends vary, some say he adopted her) of Manannan. The story is she fell in love with a mortal and for him, left the magical island of Tairngire (the land of promise), the Gods were miffed at this and ensorcelled her into a deep sleep and a large wave swept her back to Tairngire (sorry about detail but I love Celtic Mythology!). In no version of the tale (that I know of) was the mortal known as Kevin. I think Ríoghnach might have made that part up.
A beautiful song and performance . Needless to say the intro raised a lot of laughs from the audience . Ríoghnach has one of the most infectious and wicked laughs you will hear. The applause had not stopped before they launched into Antwerp. There was much amusement in the audience as Ríoghnach spotted Ron (Pengelly) photographing and decided to pose for him , he captured the shots which are excellent and can be seen on TLR Facebook Group Page below as “The many faces of Ríoghnach Connolly”.
Antwerp was a complete change of pace with a harsher tone of voice and delivery. Stuart delved into loops and electronic wizardry building to a crescendo. Stuart apologised for the racket but said he thoroughly enjoyed it (as did we all, Stuart!). A very humourous intro to Carry Your Kin with both Ríoghnach’s and Stuart’s beaming smiles and banter warming the audience. Ríoghnach’s voice raging from whispers to roars and very effortlessly.
Next up were two album title tracks Land Of My Other and Carry Your Kin . A change of pace on Land Of My Other, a song about detachment from family reflecting Ríoghnach’s 20 plus years in Manchester away from the family home in Armagh, very personal and just beautiful. For many the highlight of the night may have been Bríd Bhán, an absolutely beautiful Donegal song about a row between husband and wife. Ríoghnach’s flute playing was sublime. I would love to hear that song with a set of uilllean pipes pitched into the mix.
The audience were given the option of visiting the loo if they didn’t like Donegal Irish songs….I didn’t see anyone doing so! The gaelic hides the actual story though like me most would just enjoy the sound, lyrics being superflous (unless you speak Irish gaelic). Another intensely personal song Little One followed about love, loss and joy, Ríoghnach’s vocal range and Stuarts instrumentation emphasising the emotional range of the song.
So it continued until the show finished with Only Stories, thankfully no pantomime performance of leaving the stage and returning a minute later. It was a superb night. It left you feeling very good and that’s what live music is for. It makes you feel!.
“The last note fades away but my heart keeps on singing,
inside my head the music keeps on ringing,
And free from this brave new world’s uncertainties and lies,
in a far better place my spirit flies
Don’t know what music means to you,
but that’s what music means to me,
It can capture my heart , yet somehow set it free,
It can tear to me to pieces , yet somehow make me whole ,
It gives me hope and feeds my soul”
The Last Note by Eric Bogle
Video by Keith Belcher
The Breath: Brid Bhan and Antwerp
Caoilfhionn Rose: Garden
Feb 13 2024
The Good Lovelies
Sunday 28th January 2024
Review, photos, video by Keith Belcher
Another sold out show for the second gig of the year. It’s becoming a habit. The third one is heading that way too. A debut appearance for Good Lovelies. Good Lovelies are Caroline Brooks: Vocals, Acoustic and Electric Guitars, Kerri Ough: Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Keyboard and Susan Passmore: Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Percussion, Keyboard. They do sometimes have a larger touring band but tonight we had the original core Good Lovelies trio.
They last toured 2019 and 2017 so this was the first post Covid tour. They did a straw poll at the start and from the hands up it looked like most of the audience were seeing them for the first time. I doubt many were disappointed. I would say everyone went home delighted with the pampering their ears got from the show.
We got 2 sets of great songs, good humour and stories and some of the most delightful harmonies heard at The Live Room. The lead vocals were juggled by all three, instruments alternated also. . There was a lovely tribute at the end of the show to one of their biggest fans and friends, Nick Lawson from Hull who passed away last February.
Rebecca Kemp, tour manager called up to the stage to join in for that. Nick went to all of their gigs in the UK and also travelled to Canada to see them too. RIP Nick , you are missed by those knew you.
The queue at The Merch desk was looong! at the interval and also still long when I had packed up my cameras and was on the way out. . Always a good indicator of popularity. The PA went down just before the start (the stage is not a drinks table!) but Ron sorted it out very quickly and we had the usual highly rated sound we have become accustomed to (Most artists say that , it’s not just me!).
Another band that will be very welcome back at TLR.