May 9 2023

Fraser Anderson – TLR 11th Anniversary!

Review, photos and video by Keith Belcher

The long delayed second appearance of Fraser Anderson and band. Fraser first appeared 8th September 2019 accompanied by Bex Baxter (backing vocals), John Parker upright bass and Craig Connet drums. Support was from local artist The Silver Reserve (aka Matthew Sturgess ). Matthew has since appeared opening for The Little Unsaid, Della Mae and co-headlining with Bella Gaffney earlier this year.Tonight Fraser was with Bex and John as a trio.

A special night in that TLR has been going since May 4th 2012 when Jackie Oates opened the club. The second gig (I think) was the mighty Dick Gaughan on 24th June 2012. I attended both and am still here. Such was my gig schedule in those days I went to 15 other gigs between the two Saltaire dates.

A rare event to open the show tonight was that partners in crime Ron and Hilary (Hilary’s term not mine!) both appeared on stage together at the start to welcome and thank the audience and Fraser. A surprise Happy Birthday greeted them from The Live Room Chorus. Ron and Hilary had generously supplied a selection of drinks and nibbles to celebrate the birthday/anniversary.

Fraser from Edinburgh originally had been spotted by Ron and Hilary at the Folk Expo in Kansas prior to the 2019 gig, they were delighted to find he lived in Bristol, after a lengthy spell in France. At the 2019 gig I was astonished that I had never heard his music before. Several albums to his name and an opener for some huge acts.

After a great performance in 2019 the world went crazy in 2020 and for various reasons we have waited until May 2023 to welcome Fraser back. I was still just as amazed that he wasn’t a bigger name than he is. At the 2019 gig Fraser humourously demonstrated his “psychic powers” by noting the names of the audience front row pre gig and welcoming them by name. Tonights show had lots of good humour and stories between the songs.

Surprisingly Fraser told us that although he had been an opener for some seriously large crowds when opening for the likes of Joan Armatrading and Chuck Berry this was the largest audience as a headliner. I find that hard to believe after hearing the songs and music produced by Fraser and his band. Often compared to the likes of Damien Rice, Nick Drake and Bon Iver.

I am somewhat surprised so far I’ve heard no comparisons to fellow Dunediner Ross Wilson (aka Blue Rose Code). We had an evening of wonderfully written songs with Fraser taking lead vocals, Bex providing stunningly harmonious backing and John performing pyroctechnical bass playing. Part of the show may make it onto a live recording as the evening was recorded. A great night. If not already aware then he is fully worth investigating further. Here’s to the next appearance, hopefully not 4 years.


Cold Eyes; The Wind and The Rain; Feel

May 9 2023

Chris Smither 2023

Plus support from Zak Trojano

Photos and videos by Keith Belcher (Zak Trojano video by Peter Graves)

The return of the great Chris Smither to TLR and we were gald to see that he is as brilliant as ever. Simply one of the great American songwriters and a wonderful guitar picker. His songs deserve their own category, they’re that good.

We were also treated to a great opening set from fellow American, Zak Trojano, another terrific guitarist and highly original songwriter with a beautiful baritone voice. We’ll be keeping an eye on him!


Zak Trojano: Poor Boy (John Fahey arrangement)

Chris Smither: What They Say; Train Home; No Love Today

May 1 2023

Joe Martin & His Band

Friday 28th April 2023

Photos by Ron Pengelly

This was Joe’s second visit here to TLR with his full band, this time on his first ever full tour in support of his debut album, Empty Passenger Seat, from which we heard a good selection of tracks. We love Joe’s songs, his dedication and that wonderful voice of his and he deserves support as he builds his career. This was a fabulous performance from him and his stellar band, Tom Dibb on guitar, Mark Lewis on bass and Dan Wiebe on drums. Ten shows in on the tour, they were firing on all cylinders and were a tight and dynamic unit, a perfect frame for Joe’s songwriting.

Supporting Joe on this leg of his tour was young Sheffield-based singer songwriter, Harriet Rose, who delivered a sparkling and confident set. Another beautiful singer, she has a great future ahead of her and we’ll no doubt be seeing her back here at TLR in the not too distant future.

May 1 2023

Mark Wilkinson

plus Mark Crotti

Sunday 23rd April 2023

Photos and video by Keith Belcher

The first visit of Australian, Mark Wilkinson (with fellow Aussie, Mark Crotti opening) to The Live Room after we discovered him at Americanafest, Nashville in 2022.

Some shots of support act, Mark Crotti


Mark Crotti: Half A Cup of Tea; Paint Me

Mark Wilkinson: Love High; Everything To Me; Just Be You

Apr 25 2023

The John Martyn Project

Friday 21st April 2023

Review, photos and video by Keith Belcher

Friday 21st April 2023. The John Martyn Project (Blythe Pepino, Kit Hawes, Pete Josef, Sam Brookes, John Blakeley and Jon Short)

This is a special project where six artists come together to celebrate the music of John Martyn. Each brings their own story and connection to John’s music which adds to the fabric of the overall experience of the project. Words below are lifted (with permission) from Mike Latham’s post yesterday.

“Out at The Live Room in Saltaire to see The John Martyn Project, not knowing what to expect. The venue was full and we were absolutely enthralled, gifted musicianship, wonderful voices and amazing interpretations of Martyn’s songs. Another great evening, local small venues really do provide an amazing service for those seeking the balm that music can provide.”

My Words on the performance. I have seen John Martyn many times between the late 1960’s to the early 2000’s. My favourite period being the period up to the mid 1970’s. A lot of the songs tonight related to John’s early career including Blythe’s beautiful rendition of Fairy Tale Lullaby from 1967’s debut album London Conversation and Sam’s Bless The Weather.

Many of the songs performed had not only the subtlety of acoustic works but also the power of the later John Martyn electric bands but without the slurred lyrics of John’s latter years. I also saw the 2 star studded tributes Danny Thompson put together in 2010 and 2019 at Glasgow’s Celtic Connections Festival (Yes I am a long time John Martyn fan!!). The difference with this band was that all the songs were obviously copiously rehearsed and arranged to add to and give something different from the originals. The musicianship was obviously first rate but what made them stand out were the harmonies and arrangements.

Most of John’s catalogue didn’t feature multi-artist harmonies, it really works though. Some might find it sacrilegious but many of the songs performed were not just homage and tribute but actual upgrades. As with Joni Mitchell covers (most of which I find utterly sacrilegious) why just perform note for note like the original, always best to add something unique or leave alone. That was certainly the case with this show, a really enjoyable evening, hugely appreciated by an almost capacity crowd. These are my personal views. Yours may differ, please feel free to add any comments on your views .


Intro/Go Easy; Bless The Weather; Go Down Easy; I Don't Want To Know

Apr 18 2023

Bronwynne Brent 2023

Sunday 16th April 2023

Review, photos and video by Keith Belcher

Bronwynne Brent Trio, The Live Room, Saltaire Sunday 16th April 2023. The opening night of the tour and it very nearly didn’t happen as there were passport problems, flight problems, weather problems . Apart from a very brief nap Bronwynne came directly from the airport, having spent the night before hoping she would be able to get here as her flight was cancelled.

For those that weren’t there Bronwynnes last gig at TLR was the last gig before lockdown on 15th March 2020 , we didn’t know what was going to happen over the following 2 years . Many had tickets and didn’t turn up for the show, there was a strange, poignant atmosphere, we just didn’t know what was going to happen. Bronwynne just about managed to get back to the States before the airlines stopped flying and countries doors closed, no vaccine in sight at that point , we just didn’t know!.

Logically with all the things that went wrong leading up to the gig it should have been a disaster. However most people don’t live in Bronwynne’s version of reality. On top of the problems Bronwynne hadn’t played with Graeme and Mario for several years Mario was in the Trio in 2020 but Graeme was last in the Trio in 2018’s tour (I went to 4 gigs).

They didn’t have time to rehearse. Doors were scheduled for 1830. The trio didn’t arrive at TLR until gone 1800. With all that the show actually started approaching 1930 as opposed to the scheduled 1900 . What we got was a gloriously wonderful display of music at it’s most live. Bronwynne wouldn’t actually know how to rehearse a story or well practiced lines anyway so she just did what she does best and went with the flow in her inimitable manner laughing throughout.

Mario and Graeme are both wonderful musicians and took this in their stride. That’s not to say there weren’t some off notes on occasions but when music is as live as this who cares? Set list was kind of vague and relied on comments like “you know this one don’t you?”, the version of After You’ve Gone was prefaced by “you must know this , it;’s a classic” and then a line or 2 were sung to refresh Mario and Graeme.

You don’t get any more live (or riskier) than this but it was glorious. I don’t think I am alone in thinking this was just a fabulous gig and totally summed up what live music is about.


Don't Tell Your Secrets to the Wind; Dark Highway; Raincoat

Mar 28 2023

Chris Wood

Sunday 26th March 2023

Review & photos by Keith Belcher

Sunday 26th March 2023. The 5th visit of Chris Wood who, in my opinion, should be regaled as the Poet Laureate of Folk singer/Songwriters. An acute, astute observer and chronicler of what’s actually happening in the world at an intimate level to real families and folk, their intimate feelings, responses and behaviours. The last visit was 2020 just before you know what happened. Tonight, as well as old favourites, we heard many new and as yet unrecorded songs. Songs that are probably still untitled and may be still evolving before they reach the level that Chris is happy enough to let them free in the world. 

Mar 19 2023

State of the Union

Sunday 12th March 2023

Words, photos and videos by Keith Belcher

Sunday 12th March 2023, State of the Union, long time collaborators Brooks Williams and Boo Hewerdine appearing for the first time (together) at The Live Room at Saltaire and a cracking good sold out gig it was, good music and good humour aplenty.


State of the Union

Patience of Angels

23 Skidoo

Little Way Up

Feb 24 2023

Jocelyn Pettit & Ellen Gira with Miguel Girão

Friday 17th February 2023

Photos & video by Keith Belcher, words by Keith Belcher & Mike Latham, review by Tony Charnock in Tyke’s Stirrings

Friday 17th February 2023, The Live Room, Caroline Street Social Club, Saltaire. Jocelyn Pettit & Ellen Gira accompanied by Miguel Girão. I knew we were in for a treat after the sound check which was utterly delightful and a pleasure to my tired old ears. The actual show was even better.. I’m going to unashamedly steal the text (see below) to a post by [Mike Latham] about Friday’s act.
“Another great debut at The Live Room in Saltaire. Two consummate musicians, Jocelyn Pettit from BC in Canada and Ellen Gira from near DC in the US held the audience spellbound on their first appearance at the venue.”

Jocelyn Pettit & Ellen Gira Review

Jocelyn Pettit & Ellen Gira with Miguel Girão at The Live Room,~ Saltaire 17th
February 2023

It was almost on a whim that I ventured out to the Live Room to see this, to me,
totally unknown act. Almost, but not quite: whomever Ron and Hilary are putting on
at this comfortable and welcoming venue, you can be confident that it will be top
quality. They have an unerring eye for talent in their globe-trotting quest for new acts
to bring to our part of the world, along with, of course, bigger and more well-known
names in the music world.

To say that these excellent musicians merely met that expectation would be a massive
understatement and do them a great injustice. Here were three performers who ticked
just about every box you can think of, providing a packed and appreciative audience
with an evening of sublime music-making, as Jocelyn on violin and Ellen on cello,
with Miguel’s deliberately understated and always sympathetic guitar
accompaniment, regaled us with melodies from many different lands, their
instruments sometimes blending sweetly, sometimes playing off each other. There
was a palpable bond between Jocelyn and Ellen as they scarcely took their eyes off
each other while they were playing: clearly enjoying what they were doing, an aspect
of their performance that easily transmitted itself to the audience.

So varied was the set that it’s hard to pick out any favourites. Tunes ranged from
traditional Irish, Scottish and Scandinavian, American Old Time, a medley from
Canada, while Jocelyn sang as sweet a version of Dougie MacLean’s “Ready for the
Storm” as you could hope for, and a wistful rendering together of “Across the
Western Ocean” with their delightful harmonies was another standout. They also
included their own material, including the title track of their CD “All It Brings”.

Jocelyn’s step dancing on stage was the luxury icing on an exceedingly nice cake.
This was indeed an international trio : Jocelyn is from Canada, Ellen from the U.S.
and Miguel from Portugal. Ellen and Miguel are currently based in Glasgow.

Jocelyn and Ellen are both constantly pursuing many other avenues separately in the
music world: this collaboration is only one of their many. Too many to even begin to
mention here: check out their websites:;

If this made in heaven duo ever come onto your radar, stop whatever you’re doing
and go to see them. They gave us a magical evening: you too will be spellbound.

Tony Charnock, Tykes Stirrings

Video by Keith Belcher

The Fleur Rells and Across The Western Ocean

Jan 22 2023

Lonesome Ace Stringband 2023

Friday 20th January 2023

Review & photos by Keith Belcher

Friday 20th January, The Live Room.

Opening for Canadian Trio The Lonesome Ace Stringband were Phrase and Fable, a duo consisting of Maria Wallace and Phil Stott . Maria Wallace on vocals, claw hammer banjo and fiddle and Phil on vocals and guitar.

This was Lonesome Ace Stringband’s second visit to TLR. Last time was 15th September 2019. I saw them earlier that year sharing a double header with The Local Honeys at Celtic Connections on 26th January 2019. They would have been back a long time ago had it not been for you know what.

Like a fine wine they just carried on getting better and better and the audience had a real treat on Friday. They are Chris Coole on banjo, John Showman on fiddle and Max Malone on upright bass. Singing is divided between all three in both as soloists and harmonies.

Not surprisingly the show had been sold out for quite a while. A double gig weekend with Sierra Hull and Justin Moses (also sold out)on Sunday 22nd January. Judging from the very rapturous response from the audience they will be back.

Video by Keith Belcher

Damned Old Piney Mountain, Brown County Breakdown