Sunday 12th May 2024
Photos, video & review by Keith Belcher

Sunday 12th May 2024. The Live Room, Saltaire. The first visit of The Hackles. The Hackles are Kati Claborn (vocals, guitar, banjo, clarinet), Luke Ydstie (vocals, guitar, and Halli Anderson (vocals, violin, guitar).

All the way from Oregon they graced the Live Room Stage with a stunning display of three part harmonies and magical arrangements that interweaved effortlessly and blissfully.

Their acapella version of Michael Hurley’s ‘Werewolf’ was without a doubt one of the most beautiful songs I have heard at The Live Room (or anywhere else). I suspect that many in the audience, like me, were holding their breath spellbound. An acceptable crowd for their debut at TLR but next time around I suspect they will be sold out well in advance. Catch them if you can.