Sunday 5th March 2023
Photos, videos and review by Keith Belcher
Sunday 5th March 2023., The Live Room, Caroline Street Social Club, Saltaire. A long awaited double header of two local artists: The Silver Reserve aka (Matthew Sturgess) and Bella Gaffney. A separate post for each artist starting with Matthew.

Mathew has performed at TLR several times as a support artist drawing praise from both audiences and the headline acts he was supporting. On previous visits he was solo, tonight being accompanied for several songs with friends Nick Wood and Tim Marshall providing some lovely harmonies. A mixture of colour and black and white tonight for a change.

Bella Gaffney as a solo artist, playing guitars, banjo and (her words not mine) telling bad jokes, also singing acapela. Bella’s last appearance at TLR was with her band The Magpies back in September 2021.