Sunday 11th December 2022
Review, photos and video by Keith Belcher

Sunday 11th December 2022, The Live Room at Saltaire, Caroline Street Social Club, Saltaire. Very cold outside but a warm welcome with complimentary drinks and food in abundance for TLR’s last gig of the year and the 300th gig since opening in May 2012. A great spread generously provided by Ron and Hilary to mark the event. A debut appearance for one of the UK’s premier Bluegrass Band The Often Herd.

A cracking good set from the band to celebrate the event. Great harmonies, songs and musicianship as well as great banter. Some shots below. I’m sure I speak for the regulars and many occasional visitors to TLR in thanking Ron and Hilary for all the shows and introducing us to many artists of all musical genres. Here’s to the next 300. Starting next year with the visit of Iona Lane and Henry Parker on January 6th.